LOEMCO is an independent laboratory that serves all types of companies in the construction sector. It acts as a reference body for product quality control with a broad portfolio of clients and offers consulting services to companies and organizations in the sector.


The laboratory meets the highest quality standards and has a long scope of ENAC accreditation for building materials testing.

In addition, LOEMCO provides training in the field of construction materials to students of the E.T.S.I. of Mines and Energy, as well as those of other national and foreign university centers. Students are trained, carry out their final degree projects or doctoral thesis while they study their business practices or work through collaborative scholarships. This facilitates the incorporation into the working life for the new professionals and strengthens the research aspect of the laboratory.



LOEMCO works in the task of consolidating its presence in the construction sector by offering renewed quality services to its client portfolio every day. However, he does not neglect his future strategy by incorporating new analysis techniques that allow him to cover other business lines than our basic business, the product quality control.

We taking advantage of the existing technology and also we are in a process of investing in new instrumentation, LOEMCO will provide new products to service manufacturers and suppliers of modern construction solutions. This will guarantee the growth of the laboratory and will make easier for companies in the sector to face the new challenges ahead in terms of sustainability and innovation.

Looking ahead, LOEMCO is increasingly involved in research projects on key issues such as the durability of materials, buildings energy efficiency and the recovery of by-products in the context of the circular economy.



LOEMCO stands out for its independence at work since it does not depend organically on any organization with interests in the sector. We give personalized attention to all our clients in an environment that combines trust and closeness with the quality and efficiency of our work.

The team forming the workforce has remained virtually unchanged despite the crisis that has been undergoing construction for years, confirming the work well done and the commitment of the Directorate for a group of people trained and experienced to face the future with the greatest guarantees of success.

With all this we intend to consolidate our reference laboratory image with the highest quality standards endorsed by ENAC.

Despite what it has been achieved, the team looks forward to the new challenges presented as a laboratory, focusing on learning new knowledge that will serve as a transformation to adapt to the future environment and the new needs of our customers.


  • Eric Kandel, 1,
    28906 Getafe, Madrid
  • +34 914 413 431
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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