Proyectos I+D

DUMPS Project (Proyecto Escombreras) - Portland Valderrivas (2011-2013).

Project reference: IDI-20111273

Fondos del CDTI

Industrial dump recovery project.

LOEMCO's task was to study the feasibility of the use of waste recovered from thermal power plant slags incorporated in the manufacture of concrete and mortars.

They were kneaded with the new materials in different dosages and both cylindrical and cubic specimens were manufactured for resistance, density, elastic modulus, durability to thaw ice among others.



European Project Gypsum to Gypsum – Eurogypsum (2013-2015)

Project reference: 11/ENV/BE001039

EU funds through the LIFE + program

Project on recycling of plaster from laminated plasterboard.

LOEMCO's task was to characterize and test the raw materials for manufacturing laminated plasterboard before and after the reinstatement of the recycled material to manufacture new plates.

The LOEMCO acted as the only independent laboratory within a large consortium of 17 partners led by Eurogypsum, the European association of plaster products manufacturers.



CINDERELA Project (on going) – Internacional Consortium (2018-2022)

Financing of the H2020-EU.3.5.4 program.

Grant agreement ID: 776751

Project on the recovery of waste in the city environment as a raw material for the manufacture of new products. Framed in the current trends of circular economy and minimization of the use of new natural resources.

The LOEMCO laboratory in collaboration with LAMIMER (also integrated in the Gómez Pardo Foundation) will carry out the important work of characterizing the waste streams used in the demonstration projects as well as the control of requirements through tests of the finished products that are manufactured incorporating said waste .


  • Eric Kandel, 1,
    28906 Getafe, Madrid
  • +34 914 413 431
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